How does keto diet work?

The ketogenic diet has existed since the 20's of the last century and has since been used as an intervention for controlling stubborn epilepsy in children. But it is also used by people who simply want to lose weight. In this article you will read what exactly it is, how does keto diet works and whether it's worth trying out.

What does ketogen mean?

The names ketogen and ketose are derived from the word ketones. Ketones are a type of acid and arise as a residual product when the body consumes a portion of its own fat supply. If that happens, the body is in a different metabolic state called ketosis.

Ketones are suitable as fuel for the brain. Under normal conditions, glucose is used for which is formed from carbohydrates. If there is insufficient glucose available, ketones are used as a source of energy for the brain. If you do not eat any more carbohydrates, that will happen eventually.

How does keto diet work?

The ketogenic diet simulates the body's starvation. The carbohydrates that the body asks for do not enter the diet. In order for the body to function properly, it is necessary to convert fat into energy. By converting ketones, also known as ketolichamen, are produced. The main purpose of the diet is thus to change fuel for the body. No more carbohydrates, but ketones, which are extracted from body fat. When your body uses ketones instead of glucose, you are in ketosis.

If you are in ketosis, only ketones are used as fuel and therefore do not suffer your muscle mass. One gram of ketones supplies 7 calories of energy. Compared with the fat it comes out, this is not so much. Fats deliver 9 calories per gram. It's more than carbohydrates, because they deliver 4 calories per gram. Ketones that are not used leave the body through urine, and are not converted to fat.

More about ketosis

When you start with the keto diet, it takes about three to five days for your body to reach the state of ketosis. The full effect of the diet is only visible after a few weeks. When your body is in ketosis, ketone levels increase in the blood. If you continue to follow the diet for longer, your body will consume more body fat and thus produce more ketones.

The number of ketones in the blood can be measured with a special ketone meter. This usually happens by pinching blood. You are in ketosis if the ketone content is between 0.5 and 3.0 mmol / L.

The ketone content can also be measured via the urine. That works with ketostrips, in a similar way to a pregnancy test. You already buy them for about 7 or 8 euros (for example Ketostix ). The strip measures the number of ketones in the urine. If you are in ketosis, the strip will discolorate. On the side of the bottle you can see to what extent ketones are present in the urine. In general, the darker the coloration, the more ketones there are.

The ketones also leave the body through your mouth. It may be that your breath smells different. It is sometimes called a fruity fragrance, but some people find it just a chemical smell. Either way, the change of smell is a good sign.