Keto Diet How Many Carbs


Successfully following a ketogenic diet is completely about keeping the amounts of nutrients or macronutrients in balance. Keto diet how many carbs? In general, it is recommended that someone who is following a ketogenic diet will get about 60% of the nutrients from fat, 35% from protein and 5% from carbohydrates.

The amount of carbohydrates a day you try to keep less than 50 grams a day. When you start with a keto diet, it is advisable to eat up to 20 grams of carbohydrates a day, because rigidity initially helps you to bring your body into a state of ketosis. It also helps you learn all the rules of successful low fat carbohydrate diets.

During the first few weeks it is good to keep up with every little food and fluid that comes into your body very accurately and obsessively. Many diets that follow a keto diet use their smartphones to track their diet. Two very popular apps for this are MyFitnessPal and LoseIt! After a while, you begin to feel how many grams of carbohydrates there are in different types of food, and quickly learn to adjust your dietary habits to your low-carbohydrate lifestyle.


A very good way to control ketone levels in your urine is by buying "Ketostix". When your body is in a state of ketosis, it will separate an excess of ketones through your urine, sweat and breath. This is useful because we can check with Ketostix that there are ketones present in your urine. If they are found in your urine, your body is in ketosis and you are sure that you have reduced your carbohydrate intake.

Ketostix are quite cheap to order, but compare well. The prices on the various websites will vary quite a bit.

When you get to know the principles of the ketogenic diet you will be able to keep your body in ketosis continuously and effortlessly. You can then increase your carbohydrate intake until you find the ideal amount, with your daily amount of carbohydrates just low enough to keep your body in ketosis.

Just because your body is in a state of ketosis does not mean to say that your keto does well; Keeping the amounts of nutrients well balanced is also important. Your body needs enough proteins to hold your muscle mass, and you also need enough energy to keep your brain, organs and muscles happy.