The ketogenic diet comes from the early 1990s. The diet is not meant to lose weight or lose weight, but to prevent epilepsy. There are plenty of epilepsy patients who are insensitive to anti-epileptics (epilepsy drugs). In such cases, a Ketogeen Diet could provide a solution. The Keto diet could bring the body 'ketosis'. This means that the body can not fully absorb fat from food because of a lack of carbohydrates. A keto diet is very fatty (80% fat) and very low carbohydrate. Specific amounts per fat and fat type must be accurately measured and weighed. The keto diet is not only unpleasant and funest for the line, but also very strict and impractical.
Ketogenic Diet - Nutrition Schedule and Guidelines
The keto diet uses strict rules and guidelines . The dietary plan of the ketogenic diet looks like this:
- Day 0 : First fasten for 24 to 48 hours (drink only water and non-alcoholic beverages) to get ketosis.
- Day 1 : Use a third of your daily calorie intake in the form of ketogenic shakes (egg, whipped cream, sweetener and vanilla).
- Day 2 : Use a second of your daily calorie intake in the form of ketogenic shakes (egg, whipped cream, sweetener and vanilla).
- Day 3 : Use two thirds of your daily calorie intake in the form of ketogenic shakes (egg, whipped cream, sweetener and vanilla).
- Day 4 and all subsequent days : Three exactly weighted ketogenic meals consisting of meat, fish, egg, cheese, fruit, vegetables and many additional fats in the form of cream, shakes, margarine, oils and mayonnaise.
- Each meal must be accurately weighed and measured up to grams.
- Everything should be eaten to ensure the exact ratio between fat, protein and carbohydrates.
- Drink only non-alcoholic drinks (coffee, tea and water without additives).
- Do not eat snacks.
The keto diet is very fatty. Foods that need to be eaten a lot during the ketogenic diet are:
- Fat shakes
- Whipped cream
- Oils
- mayonnaise
- Butter
- Maragrine
The ketogenic diet would be most effective in children between 1 and 10 years old. However, because the quality and efficacy of anti-epileptics has improved significantly in recent years, the popularity of the keto diet is strongly reversed.